"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just for Fun (and something more . . . )

The text I send my family reads "I am exhausted. Painted rivers and marshes and rocky rocks today . . . fluffy clouds tomorrow." The only response I receive is from my husband, the master of one word replies: "Wow."

My family is a bit mystified why, of all things, I am at a five day watercolor painting workshop at OMEGA Institute in Rhinebeck, NY. I've always wanted to try watercolor painting. And it is on my list. I've joined a social movement with thousands of people from across the globe and created my own list of "101 Things to do in 1001 Days" (dayzeroproject.com). Lists of 101 goals that are specific, measurable/clearly defined, realistic yet make one stretch are created, many posted on online, people blog about their accomplishments and challenges, often creating photo records and commenting on each others journeys.

My list is not posted online, but my 1001 day journey began on July 25th (my birthday). I have a bit over 2 3/4 years (1001 days) to complete an expansive array of goals that I want to accomplish in my second act. Some of my goals include: shoot a gun at a gun range, read the entire body of work of one writer (Ernest Hemingway), and take and post one photo, every Monday, to document an ordinary moment in my day (143 weeks).

The daily demands of raising my three children has given way to a new phase of parenting - long distance - as my children are currently in Santiago, Chile, Dallas, Texas and Manhattan. For the first time in almost 30 years, I have stretches of time to focus on me.

Goal #36 - take a Watercolor painting workshop - is complete.

1 comment:

Steve Schmidt said...

Mondays photo need to be the artwork.

Can't wait to read the shooting range blog.