"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Closing a Door

Firmly closing a door is difficult for me. I like the idea of a circle - a loose, flexible ring that allows for a return to the beginning, that keeps me in "the loop" of an event. I may step out for a while but I know that I can step back in. This provides a sense of control. I understand what is happening and how to remain safely connected.

Last week I closed a door. I knew that I was done. I don't want the safety. I don't want the ease of stepping back in. I don't want to "stay in the loop" any longer.

When, and if, I return, I will be different. Although there will always be a connection to the beginning, a connection that I cherish, I want the door that I open next time to reveal something new, something unexpected, something unique.


Elizabeth Hilts said...

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is shutting that door—bravo for you!

princessapr said...

Even if you choose to reopen the door, it will be something new because you're a new person when you open it again. There's a comfort in moving forward in life and simplifying on any level.