"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Kind of Weather

A shift in weather occurred after hurricane Earl slid along the East Coast, teasing us for days and then, delivering very little . . . a bit of rain, a bit of wind, some impressive waves, and many plans for the weekend altered. How, given the extensive technology of our world, can weather predictions and projections be so far off? The answer is simple .... it is Mother Nature who dictates things like the path of a hurricane. At best, technology can help make a prediction, but the ultimate decision lies beyond our control. Imagine!

A cold front from the west dropped the temperature more than 20 degrees in a 24 hour period . . . high wispy clouds, blue skies, and a breeze rippled both the leaves and the surface of the lake. Wide open windows meant sleeping under a blanket last night as the temperature dipped into the low 50s. Instead of the relentless hum of a revolving fan, the first sounds I heard this morning were a woodpecker and leaves jostling in the wind.

I would be happy with days just like today - all year long. With one exception, a beautiful snow cover on December 25th - just enough to wrap the world in a magical blanket of white.

This is my kind of weather.