"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, October 2, 2011



Sojourn, loosely defined, is to "stay for a time, in a place." I am on a sojourn in New Hampshire - for the full month of October.

Low, thick storm clouds covered the distant mountains and it was raining hard when I arrived in NH yesterday. When I woke up today, the rain was pelting off the metal roof, a rhythmic way to ease into the day. The rain has continued all day. I don't know how long it will last. That is part of the purpose of being here. Not knowing.

I am taking a rare opportunity to spend an extended period of time being quiet. An extended period of time away from the usual routines of home. An extended period of being alone. Bearing witness to nature as the season changes. To learn something new about myself.

I took several weeks to arrange this trip. Even though I made arrangements, I find it difficult to knowingly miss upcoming meetings/events/commitments that are important to me. Several of my friends quietly asked "Is everything okay?" (as in my marriage - it is!) I brought several specific projects with me. Among other things, I plan to walk, to write, to photograph the change of season and to paint. Mocha, my companion on this small adventure, will keep me on a bit of a daily routine.

At the end of the month I will return home. I will celebrate the wedding of a good friend. I will, I hope, be changed.

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