"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, July 1, 2012


One of the things I love about the early morning hours of a summer weekend day is the 'promise' of the day -- so many things may happen and but right now, I don't know what any of them will be. This is not a scheduled week day which begins with the buzz of the alarm at 5:00AM -- but a day that has a vague plan (maybe we'll barbeque around six); a day that has the ability to be flexible.

Right now, my neighborhood is as quiet as my neighborhood ever gets: just the hum of an air conditioner compressor, the rise of a neighbor's electric garage door, a few birds, a barking dog, and a car or two on the adjacent street. I don't want to move, to disturb the silence around me. I want to listen to the quiet.

Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, is credited with noting "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished" . . . I trust that whatever I need to accomplish today, will be accomplished.

First on the list, a hot cup of coffee.


Karen the Book Lover said...

Very lovely and true sentiment. I love those quiet moments, when it almost feels as if you, the birds, and God are awake to enjoy the quiet.

Donna said...

Yes, a nice way to begin a day.

Thank you for your comments.