"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


To borrow a term from one of my daughter's PC friends, we finished the days in Zanzibar
by marinating. That is, relaxing. On Thursday, a heavy storm blew in and it rained until late in the afternoon. At one point, I asked a member of the staff if it was going to rain all day (there was no TV/radio to check the local forecast) and she told me it was a "long rain" and that was an apt description. But, I was sitting under thatched bar/lounge space, reading, sipping a rum drink, listening to the rain, and that was fine. By dinnertime, the rain had stopped. The usual outdoor space for dinner was very wet, so we moved to the upper open air restaurant for dinner. We each had a different local beer with dinner - Tusker, Kilimanjaro, and Safari. Jimmy flew home on Friday; my daughter and I left on Saturday. We flew from Zanzibar to Johannesburg. Zanzibar was a lovely spot to visit and a chance to really talk with my daughter and catch up on some of the small conversations that I have missed over the past 18 months.

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